Getting Started


Learn how to display and define keyboard shortcuts in your app.

Some components like Dropdown, Command Palette and Tooltip support the display of keyboard shortcuts.

<UDropdown :items="[[{ label: 'Edit', shortcuts: ['E'] }]]" />

Shortcuts are displayed and styled through the Kbd component.

  <div class="flex items-center gap-0.5">
You will have a preview of how shortcuts are rendered in each component page.


This module provides a defineShortcuts composable that allows you to define keyboard shortcuts in your app really easily.

  <UModal v-model="isOpen" />

<script setup lang="ts">
const isOpen = ref(false)

  meta_k: {
    usingInput: true,
    handler: () => {
      isOpen.value = !isOpen.value

Shortcuts keys are written as the literal keyboard key value. Combinations are made with _ separator. Chained shortcuts are made with - separator.

Modifiers are also available:

metaActs as Command (⌘) on macOS and Control (Ctrl) on Windows/Linux.
ctrlRepresents the Control (Ctrl) key across all operating systems.
shiftRepresents the Shift key, only needed for alphabetic keys (e.g., shift_e).

Examples of keys:

Shortcut KeyAction
escapeTriggers when Esc is pressed
meta_k⌘ + K on Mac, Ctrl + K on Windows/Linux
ctrl_kTriggers Ctrl + K on all OS
shift_eTriggers Shift + E on all OS
?Triggers ? (Shift + / on US Mac keyboards)
g-dTriggers when g then d are pressed within 800ms
arrowleftTriggers when is pressed (also: arrowright, arrowup, arrowdown)
For a complete list of available shortcut keys, refer to the KeyboardEvent API docs. Note the KeyboardEvent.key has to be written in lowercase.


Prop: usingInput?: string | boolean

By default, usingInput is false, meaning it will only trigger when no input is focused. When set to true, the shortcut will also trigger when any input is focused.

For a more advanced behavior, usingInput can be set to the name of an input, so it only triggers when focusing this specific input.

  <UInput v-model="query" name="queryInput" />

<script setup lang="ts">
const query = ref('')

  enter: {
    usingInput: 'queryInput',
    handler: () => {
      // TODO

enter shortcut will only trigger when queryInput is focused.


Prop: whenever?: WatchSource<boolean>[]

whenever allows to add constraints on the shortcut triggering behavior. This array can contain Ref<boolean>, ComputedRef<boolean> or () => boolean.

  meta_k: {
    usingInput: true,
    handler: () => { isOpen.value = !isOpen.value }
  escape: {
    usingInput: true,
    whenever: [isOpen],
    handler: () => { isOpen.value = false }

escape shortcut will only trigger when isOpen is true.

Simple shortcut

In case the shortcut does not need any config, it can be written as a function.

  '?': () => openHelpModal()


To display shortcuts in your app according to the user's OS, you can use the useShortcuts composable.

<script setup lang="ts">
const { metaSymbol } = useShortcuts()

  <UKbd>{{ metaSymbol }}</UKbd>

metaSymbol will display either on MacOS or Ctrl on any other OS